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A car accident can be overwhelming, but taking the right steps afterward can protect your safety, legal rights, and insurance claim. Here is a step-by-step guide to follow immediately after an accident. 1. Stay at the Scene and Check for Injuries Do not leave the…
Driving is perhaps one of the most dangerous things we do on a daily basis. Every time we get in the car, there’s a chance of getting in an accident. Because of this likelihood, it’s helpful to know a car accident attorney that you can…
If you have experienced an injury resulting from a car accident in California, you should immediately contact a California car accident lawyer. Car accidents can be frightening and can lead to serious injuries. It is important that the negligent party is held responsible for their…
Unfortunately, car accidents happen every day. Whether you believe you were partially at fault or it’s clear that you were not responsible, it’s imperative that you understand the legal implications that come with a car accident in California. No matter how serious your accident may…
Encino is situated to the west of downtown Los Angeles. While it is commonly considered one of the quieter areas of Los Angeles County, car accidents can and do happen in various ways throughout Encino every day. An experienced Encino car accident lawyer is an…
Modesto has recently ranked among the worst cities in the state when it comes to the local car accident rate, both for the number of total accidents and the number of accident fatalities. Knowing the area’s most recent car accident statistics can help you understand…
Car accidents happen unexpectedly for various reasons in Modesto, and it is possible for any driver to experience an accident on any road with little to no warning. However, there are a few areas of Modesto that are statistically the most dangerous places to drive…
Car accidents happen every day throughout California for various reasons, and if you experience an accident in the Encino area, it’s vital to know what to do in the aftermath to ensure an appropriate recovery. If you or a family member suffer injuries in an…
California is considered one of the more dangerous states to drive in. This is credited to high populations, crowded roads, uninsured drivers, and many drivers who are new to the state. Understanding when and how accidents occur can help you drive defensively. In the first…
Car accidents are a common cause of serious and fatal injuries each year, and these incidents occur from a variety of causes. If you experience a car accident, it is crucial to know how to prove fault for the incident, what damages you can claim…