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If you have been involved in a slip and fall accident, you likely are concerned about your recovery as well as your finances. Any damages or injuries sustained because of a personal injury accident could lead to a personal injury case. A Merced slip and fall lawyer could be the resource you need to help process a legal claim through court. A personal injury lawyer in Merced can help answer any questions you may have and file the necessary legal documentation required.
A slip and fall accident happens when a victim is hurt due to dangerous property conditions. A common example is walking across a wet surface, slipping, falling, and hurting oneself. If there was no wet floor sign or other form of warning, the victim may be eligible to file a legal claim for financial compensation. Some common causes of slip and fall accidents are:
These accidents can cause serious injuries such as broken bones, strains, sprains, cuts, or bruises. In some severe cases, traumatic brain or spinal injuries could occur, leading to permanent damage.
If you’ve been involved in a slip and fall accident, it’s important you remember to follow these steps:
A slip and fall lawyer in Merced can help you in several ways. A lawyer can investigate the incident, determine if any fault occurred, and estimate how much your case is worth. If your case qualifies, they can help you file a claim with the court.
Having legal guidance throughout your case helps you achieve the greatest result. A lawyer is your legal guide and advocate. Trying to file a claim without the help of a lawyer is not recommended.
The amount of time you have to report a slip and fall accident in California is two years. This time period is mandated by the statute of limitations outlined in Section 335.1 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. This two-year period starts from the date of the incident. Your claim does not need to be resolved this time; you just need to file it. Failing to file in time could risk losing your right to seek financial compensation for your injuries.
The amount of compensation you can get in a slip and fall accident in California varies from case to case. Each case is unique and will have its own specific circumstances affecting the compensation amount. Factors such as the severity of the injury, the costs related to recovery, lost wages, degree of fault, and the experience level of your attorney will all influence the settlement amount. To get the most out of your settlement, you should ask for the help of a qualified attorney.
A slip and fall case can vary in length and take a lot of time to settle. Some cases can be resolved rather quickly, and some may take several years. The length of time depends on the case complexity. The more complex the case is, the longer it can take to resolve. The extent of the injuries must be determined before the case can be resolved. If the incident leads to a serious injury requiring surgery, physical therapy, etc., it can lengthen the case.
It’s very likely that surgery could increase your settlement amount in a slip and fall accident case. Although it’s never a requirement and shouldn’t happen unless absolutely necessary, a serious medical procedure of any kind could increase your compensation. These procedures are not only expensive, but they can be traumatizing and cause major life disruptions. You deserve to be financially compensated for this. The costs of the surgery, hospital stays, rehabilitation costs, and medication will all factor into the settlement amount.
If the property owner is a family member, you may be hesitant to pursue legal action against them. This hesitation is understandable, but it may be necessary to seek financial compensation, especially if your injuries are serious. Also, there could be a business insurance policy, homeowners insurance, or some other form of premises liability coverage available to pay out damages. You should speak with an experienced slip and fall accident attorney who can review the situation and provide proper advice.
A slip and fall accident could lead to serious injury, and victims deserve to be fairly compensated. Anytime there is a personal injury, it can be a challenging event that brings on unfortunate stress. If you are in this situation, you need to put your case in the capable hands of an attorney who can help.
At the Law Offices of David Davidi, APLC, our legal team is ready and able to assist you with your slip and fall case. We are qualified to help with all types of personal injury cases. We can help resolve anything from car accident cases to wrongful death cases. With our experienced legal team on our side, you can trust you are getting the quality legal advice you need. Contact us today at one of our offices.